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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


PY Oudeyer gave a course on developmental reinforcement learning at ENSEIRB master on AI and machine learning (3h), nov. 2019.

PY Oudeyer gave a course on developmental learning at CogMaster cognitive science master (3h), nov. 2019.

PY Oudeyer gave a course on developmental learning at ENSC/ENSEIRB "option robot" master (3h), dec. 2019.

During the latest academic year, Hélène Sauzéon teached 96h in the BS. and master degrees in cognitive science (Department of Mathematics & interaction, University of Bordeaux). She was (co-)responsible of 9 teaching units (3 in BS et 6 in Master).

N Díaz Rodríguez taught, at ENSTA, a total of 3.25 h in ROB313, 27h at IN104, 10.5 at IN102, 21h at IA301. She also gave 42h at IG.2410 at the engineering school ISEP, and 3h course on Continual Learning and State Representation Learning at the reinforcement learning course at ENSEIRB master on AI and machine learning (3h), nov. 2019.

Didier Roy gave courses on computer science basics, and on computer science, robotics and AI activities for education at Canton de Vaud teachers.



PY Oudeyer was reviewer of the PhD of Simon Hangl, entitled « Autonomous Robotics: an Integrated Approach from Controllers to Cognitive Capabilities », University of Innsbruck, Austria, 2019.

PY Oudeyer was reviewer of the PhD of Yannick Bourrier, titled "Diagnostic et prise de décision pédagogique pour la construction de compétences non- techniques en situation critique", from university Paris-Sorbonne, 2019.

PY Oudeyer was reviewer of the PhD of Leni Kenneth Le Goff, titled "Bootstrapping robotic ecological perceptin with exploration and interactions", from University Pierre et Marie Curie, 2019.

PY Oudeyer was examiner of the PhD of Jelena Mladenovic, titled "Modélisation computationnelle des compétences et des états de l'utilisateur pour optimiser les taches d'entraînement aux Interfaces Cerveaux-Ordinateur", University of Bordeaux, 2019.

PY Oudeyer was examiner of the PhD of Pierre Fournier, titled "Intrinsically Motivated and Interactive Reinforcement Learning: a Developmental Approach", University Pierre and Marie Curie, 2019.

PY Oudeyer was examiner of the PhD of Lisa Jacquey, titled "La sensibilité aux contingences sensorimotrices chez le bébé et son rôle dans le développement du savoir-faire corporel", from University of Paris, 2019.

PY Oudeyer was examiner in the PhD jury of Svetlana Meyer, on the topic "Entraînement de l’attention visuelle pour l’apprentissage de la lecture : l’apport du jeu vidéo d’action", University of Grenoble (feb. 2019).

Hélène Sauzéon organized a selection commitee for recruitment of Assistant professor in Rehabilitative science (University of de Bordeaux).

Hélène Sauzéon was external member of a selection commitee for recruitment of Assistant professor in cognitive psychology (University of Toulouse – LeMirail).

Hélène Sauzéon performed several scientific expertises for application requests such as HDR (ED SP2, University of Bordeaux) or local careers advancement (University of Bordeaux).

N. Díaz Rodríguez was invited jury (President) of the PhD thesis "Deep Learning for Abnormal Movement Detection using Wearable Sensors: Case Studies on Stereotypical Motor Movements in Autism and Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease" in the University of Trento, Italy May 2019.